Q149: By the end of 2016, will the federal government introduce a law
Decriminalizing Marijuana: 15%
Legalizing Marijuana: 10%
(If multiple laws are passed, the first one shall be the one that resolves the question. This question refers to recreational marijuana, not medical marijuana)
There has been some speculation that marijuana might be decriminalized or legalized in the near future (see article here). In the US, Colorado and Washington State have legalized marijuana. The Liberals support legalization, the NDP support decriminalization, and the Conservatives support the status quo. However, there seems to be some scepticism over whether Trudeau would actually follow through in pursuing legalization. Creating appropriate legislation might also take a fair amount of time.
I think that decriminalization or legalization of marijuana are about equally likely, but neither are that likely. Both are very unlikely if the Conservatives win the next election, and less than 50% likely even if the Liberals or NDP win. The Liberals or NDP might well back away from their promises to legalize/decriminalize, or delay the introduction of a law beyond the end of 2016.
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