Friday, 9 October 2015

TPP Canadian Ratification

By the end of June 2016, will the Canadian Parliament ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Yes: 80%
(The deal merely needs to be passed in the House of Commons for this question to close)

Negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership recently concluded successfully.  The deal now needs to be ratified by parliament (see article here).  The Conservatives support the deal, the Liberals are supportive but somewhat non-committal, and the NDP are opposed to the deal (see article here).

The Liberals will very likely support the deal when it comes for a vote.  Given that the Conservatives or Liberals are very likely to form the next government, with the two parties together holding a majority of seats, the TPP deal should pass easily.  The largest uncertainty is probably timing; the deal might not be ready for ratification early enough for this question.  ipredict says that the deal has an 80% chance of being ratified in the US before the end of June 2016. so it should also be ready in Canada at that time.

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