Sunday, 20 December 2015

Gas Plant Scandal Verdict

Will either David Livingston and Laura Miller be found guilty of the criminal offences they have been charged with relating to the gas plants scandal?
Yes: 65%
(A plea bargain counts as a "yes".  If the prosecution abandons the case, that counts as a "no".  This question is only about the most recent criminal charges and the initial outcome of the trial; further charges and appeals do not matter.)

David Livingston and Laura Miller, two senior staffers in former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty's office, have been charged by the OPP with the deletion of records in the gas plant scandal (see story here).  Both maintain their innocence.  The most likely way for this question to resolve is some sort of plea bargain (which counts as a "yes").  It is also possible (if slightly less likely) that the OPP could abandon the case.  If the case goes to trial, I think that at least one of the staffers will be found guilty on at least one charge, although it is possible that they could be found innocent.

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